It is the responsibility of the homeowner to properly maintain the street trees, or boulevard trees, located on your property. This includes pruning to height for pedestrian clearance, thinning, watering, leaf cleanup, and tree replacement – if needed.
These are designated as “Street Trees” by the City of Duvall and therefore, fall under the Tree Protection Ordinance implemented in 2018 and must be replaced if dead. If one or more of your trees needs to be removed, you must obtain a permit from the City prior to work commencing. According to the city ordinance, trees should be spaced at a minimum on 25′ apart and a maximum of 40′ apart. This may mean that you need to replant trees in a different location.
Additionally, the new street tree(s) is to be planted, per the City ordinance, within one year of removal of the dead tree(s). Removing street trees, or any other exceptional trees for that matter, from your property without City approval may result in fines imposed by the City. For information regarding new trees, please refer to the Replacement Trees tab.
Duvall City requires that replacement trees have a caliper diameter of 2″ at chest height.
The Duvall City tree municipal code can be found here.
In the event that your maple street tree dies and must be replaced, previously Board approved trees include Red Maple varieties of October Glory and Autumn Flame, and the Red Oak variety of Scarlet Oak. It is likely that your Sunset Maple died from disease and the most prominent has been verticillium wilt. This is a soil-borne disease that can live in the soil for many years infecting any newly planted maples. Therefore, it is recommended to replace any diseased maple with the red oak variety. If you choose a maple, keep in mind that an Autumn Flame has a round shape while October Glory has a more pear-like shape; choose the one that best matches your other trees.
Duvall City requires that replacement trees have a caliper diameter of 2″ at chest height. See the links below for pictures and additional information on each tree.
Red Maple – Autumn Blaze:
Red Maple – October Glory:
Red Oak – Scarlet: