Before submitting your application, please consult our CC&R’s, which can be found here, for further information.
You can submit your application by email to [email protected] or by postal mail to:
Taylor’s Ridge Architectural Committee
P.O. Box 881
Duvall, WA 98019
Please include the following information:
- Application Date
- Name of property owner & address
- List of improvements that you want to be reviewed with a detailed explanation for each including materials to be used
- Indicate timeframe of when you plan on having these improvements done
- Include drawings/site plans and paint swatches if necessary
- Include copy of permit from the city if necessary
- Indicate the best way to contact you if we have any questions
- Include 2 copies of your request (including the drawings/site plans)
Also, please make sure that you check with neighbors on all sides that their views will not be obstructed, port-a-potties will be in a reasonable area of the property (not on the sidewalk), dumpsters will not block traffic, etc.
For your convenience, please click here for a Sample Application Letter.